Little Green Light
Manage your constituents with Little Green Light and send SMS campaigns or make calls through Voizee.
Little Green Light, also known as LGL, is a comprehensive donor management and fundraising platform designed for nonprofits and organizations of all sizes. As a partner of Voizee, Little Green Light offers tailored solutions to help nonprofits streamline their operations, manage donor relationships effectively, and maximize fundraising efforts. With intuitive features and customizable tools, Little Green Light empowers nonprofits to achieve their mission and make a meaningful impact in their communities.
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Key Features
How Little Green Light and Voizee Work Together
Little Green Light and Voizee seamlessly integrate to enhance communication and engagement for non-profit organizations.
With the ability to export names and phone numbers from Little Green Light, Voizee empowers users to launch targeted SMS campaigns directly from the platform. Voizee’s SMS campaigns facilitate personalized outreach and engagement with donors and constituents.
In addition, Voizee’s reporting features provide valuable insights into campaign performance, which are then recorded back to Little Green Light constituent records, ensuring a comprehensive view of engagement efforts within the organization’s CRM system.
This integration streamlines communication workflows, enhances donor relationships, and maximizes the impact of outreach initiatives.