Voizee Platform Introduction - Voizee - SMS Marketing, Business Texting & Calling Platform

Voizee Platform Introduction

Welcome to Voizee, a comprehensive communication platform designed to help businesses streamline their customer interactions and enhance engagement. Voizee offers a suite of tools that combine modern communication needs into a single platform, including Business Texting, a Virtual Phone System, and a Website Widget. Each of these core modules is packed with features that bring significant benefits to businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.

In this guide, we’ll provide an overview of each of these modules and explain how they can help improve your business operations and customer relationships.

Business Texting


Voizee’s Business Texting module provides an efficient and direct way to communicate with customers. Whether it’s sending appointment reminders, promotional offers, or customer support messages, Voizee’s business texting service ensures that your messages are delivered directly to your audience’s mobile devices. Text messaging has a 98% open rate, which makes it one of the most effective ways to reach and engage customers.

Key Features:

  • Mass SMS & MMS: Easily send bulk text messages or multimedia messages to your contact lists for marketing campaigns, announcements, or customer updates.

  • Two-Way SMS Conversations: Engage in real-time text conversations with your customers, allowing for personalized and responsive customer service.

  • Scheduled Messaging: Plan and schedule messages to be sent at optimal times for better engagement.

  • Custom Templates: Save time by creating reusable message templates for common communications.

  • Opt-In Management: Comply with regulatory requirements by managing opt-ins and opt-outs, ensuring customers only receive texts they’ve agreed to.

Benefits for Businesses:

  • Improved Customer Engagement: Text messages are read quickly, allowing you to connect with customers in real-time.

  • Higher Conversion Rates: SMS marketing has a much higher open and conversion rate compared to email, ensuring your promotions reach a wider audience.

  • Streamlined Communication: Manage all your texting campaigns and customer conversations in one platform.

Virtual Phone System


Voizee’s Virtual Phone System transforms the way businesses handle phone calls by offering a cloud-based solution that can be accessed from anywhere. Whether you need a business phone number, call forwarding, or an automated call response, this module is designed to ensure seamless phone communication with your customers.

Key Features:

  • Local and Toll-Free Numbers: Choose from local or toll-free numbers that represent your business in a professional way.

  • Call Forwarding: Forward incoming calls to any number, whether it’s a landline, mobile phone, or Voizee’s internal phone system.

  • Call Recording: Automatically record and store calls for quality assurance, training, or compliance purposes.

  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR): Create automated menus to guide callers to the right department or information without needing live agents.

Benefits for Businesses:

  • Professionalism: A dedicated business phone number gives your company a professional image, separating personal and business communications.

  • Enhanced Customer Support: With features like call forwarding and IVR, you can ensure that customer inquiries are handled efficiently and routed to the correct team.

  • Scalability: The system grows with your business, allowing you to add new phone lines, extensions, or advanced features as your business expands.

Website Widget


The Website Widget is designed to capture leads and improve customer engagement on your website. It allows visitors to easily contact your business through text, phone, or scheduled callbacks. By embedding the Voizee widget on your site, you can ensure that customers have a simple, intuitive way to reach you without leaving your website.

Key Features:

  • Callback Requests: Visitors can schedule a callback, reducing wait times and ensuring that you never miss an opportunity to connect.

  • Multi-Channel Communication: The widget supports both text messaging and phone calls, allowing customers to choose their preferred communication method.

  • Customizable Design: Adjust the look and feel of the widget to match your website’s branding, providing a seamless customer experience.

  • Real-Time Notifications: Get instant notifications when a customer submits a request, allowing your team to respond quickly and reduce response times.

  • Integration with CRM: Automatically send customer contact details and inquiries to your CRM for streamlined lead management.

Benefits for Businesses:

  • Increased Conversions: By making it easy for website visitors to contact you, the widget helps capture leads and convert them into paying customers.

  • Better Customer Experience: Offering multiple ways to connect with your business (call, text, or schedule a callback) gives customers the convenience and flexibility they need.

  • Data Collection: Gather important customer information and use it to follow up, improve services, and better understand your target audience.

Take Aways

Voizee is more than just a communication tool—it’s a platform designed to help businesses connect with customers across multiple channels, streamline operations, and ultimately drive growth. With the Business Texting, Virtual Phone System, and Website Widget modules, your business can provide better customer service, capture more leads, and increase sales.

Ready to transform your business communications? Get started with Voizee today!