How to Add a Voizee Widget to a Website - Voizee - SMS Marketing, Business Texting & Calling Platform

How to Add a Voizee Widget to a Website

Once you create a Voizee account and login into the system, you will be asked to add widget info, including the website URL, representative name, phone number, and email address.

Add widget form

  1. URL: List the full website address (including https://) where the Voizee widget will be installed. It’s better to copy and paste the URL address from the browser to avoid spelling errors.
  2. Representative’s full name: List the first and last name of the representative from your company who will accept incoming calls from the website.
  3. Representative’s phone number: The number where incoming calls from the website will be redirected. Please note that this phone number is not visible to the public.
  4. Mobile phone for SMS notifications: The number where text (SMS) notifications will be sent. It can be the same number listed in the previous step or another one.
  5. Notify about a missed call by SMS: Select the option to be notified about missed calls by text (SMS) message.
  6. Email: The email address listed in this field is used for notifications sent from the website, including notifications about successful calls, missed calls, callback requests, and scheduled calls.
  7. Notify about a missed call by E-mail: Select the option to be notified about missed calls by email.
  8. Click Save button.

Code embed

After all necessary information is entered and saved, a pop-up window will appear with the embed code. You will need this code if you manually install the Voizee widget on your website. If your website runs on WordPress, you can use our plugin instead.

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